This web exhibit presents original documents and secondary sources on the ILGWU, held by the Cornell University Library. They are housed in the Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives at Cornell University's ILR School.
The primary sources were drawn from the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union Archives which reside at Cornell. This exhibit includes a sampling of ILGWU materials available at the Kheel Center.
If you have additional information or resources or are interested in donating ILGWU-related original documents, please contact the Kheel Center.
This site includes selected information on the history of the ILGWU. You will find original documents, oral histories, films, and photographs. A selective bibliography includes books, articles, and dissertations about the ILGWU, histories of the union written by ILGWU staff and members, and congressional testimony by the ILGWU. The bibliography is called "selective" because it is not comprehensive. We have attempted to provide a thorough selection of sources that address the history of the union, but additional sources outside of the field of history may also be of interest to students of the ILGWU.
The 21st Century ILGWU Heritage Fund provided generous financial support for creation of this website.
Curtis Lyons
Harriet Morel Oxman Director of the Catherwood, Hospitality, and Management Libraries
Cheryl Beredo
Kheel Center Director
Patrizia Sione
Exhibit Editor
Date of Site Publication: August 2011